The Inner Yaga Training

The NEXT Inner Yaga Training is October, 10–12, 2025! This is the doorway into our community, and into the evolving inner work that we do. An experience that offers the opportunity to witness the untapped power within yourself, and to consciously imagine and direct the possibilities of your life.

Register here.

Another doorway is to visit an Inner Yaga circle, either in person or online.


Visit a Yaga Circle to find out if this is for you!

Online: First Tuesday of every month, 6:15–8:15 PM
Contact Christi at 360-643-3207 for details.

Tell us if you’d like to be contacted about an open circle in your area.


Inner Yaga Foundation is a nonprofit organization that has been leading women’s trainings since 2002. We offer personal growth workshops for women and develop Yaga Circles in communities throughout the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere. Our trainings and women's circles are spiritual but not religious, celebrating and supporting women to grow as leaders in their own lives. The Inner Yaga Foundation comprises a dynamic community of women of diverse ages and backgrounds.

The Inner Yaga welcomes all women and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, culture, color, national origin, age, religion, disability or LGBTQ+ status. We offer a training specifically for women, because we know that women change the world, and benefit greatly in having a place to be heard and supported.

The Inner Yaga Board of Directors and Wisdom Council extend heartfelt thanks to our volunteers and donors! Because of your support, we’re able to do things like:

• Provide scholarships for women to attend trainings
• Offer trainings at the lowest cost possible
• Keep our regulatory requirements up to date

Through the ideals of volunteerism and generosity, we grow as a sisterhood and fulfill our mission of transforming the world by inviting women into greater wholeness.


Ancient and renewing, women have gathered in circle for thousands of years. A Yaga Circle offers a structured time that uses ritual, shared intention and the many Yaga processes to create safety, and deep honesty. This is a powerful place for women to call home. Central to the existence of Inner Yaga, your Circle is where the work you begin in the Inner Yaga Training reaches full expression.


You can visit a Yaga Circle online Tuesday nights, 6:15-8:15 p.m. PST. Call/text Annie at 541-517-8415 or Christi at 360-643-3207 for details.


Your donation helps us help women to change their lives. If you'd like to sponsor women to attend a training, or donate funds to support the work we do, please mail a check to Inner Yaga Foundation, PO Box 50488, Eugene, Oregon 97405. If you wish to remain anonymous, we will honor that. To use a credit card, click on the Donate button above.


October 10–12, 2025, near Portland, OR

Register here.

Circle Trainings follow our Inner Yaga Training. They are held in Oregon, Washington, and online.

Workshops for women who have attended the Inner Yaga Training and Circle Training:

Vasilisa: TBA
Facilitation with the compassion and clarity of the East and South: TBA
Facilitation with the vision and forgiveness of the West and the North: TBA

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Our Trainings

Inner Yaga trainings are about inner work, and creating emotional freedom for yourself. Start with the Inner Yaga Training, followed by Circle Training, then join a Yaga Circle.

All trainings...

Join a Yaga Circle

Find a Yaga Circle in your community, visit a Circle, join a Yaga Circle, and our circle policy.

Explore the possibilities